Davidoff’s brand history is rich in exceptional cigar innovations and iconic achievements. Back in their time, these innovations were ground breaking and caused quite a stir in the cigar world with their excellence in craftsmanship and their uniqueness.
Davidoff concludes its successful “Cigar History Re-Rolled” series with a grand finale that will also go down in the history of the brand: The Grand Cru Diademas Finas Limited Edition Collection. Different from the previous three releases in the series, this cigar delights with a new special format and a unique blend.
The Diademas Finas, which has never before been part of the Grand Cru line-up, has an even stronger connection to the world of wine. For the first time, Davidoff has reflected the notes of a Rive Droite Bordeaux,namely citrus, dark cherries and walnut, in a cigar. This has been achieved by blending the three main tobaccos in the filler, just as a Bordeaux is blended with three different main grape varieties. In addition, Davidoff aged one of the filler tobaccos in a Premier Grand Cru Classé red wine cask from Bordeaux, which has never been done before by anyone else. The Dominican San Vicente seco is a finer leaf, which absorbs more of the aroma from the cask and thus helps the cigar resemble the fruity character of the wine. The figurado highlights the remarkable skill of the rollers and allows aficionados to gradually unveil this assemblage of perfection.
Two things make a cigar a classic. Exceptional quality. And time.
Only a handful of cigars have the kind of legendary reputation which has grown with the decades. We have reached back into history and selected such icons to be reborn. Signature No. 1, Millennium Lancero and Aniversario No. 1 in their original formats, and as an additional highlight, the Grand Cru blend in a new format.
Only we could do such a thing. Only we have an archive large enough to make this possible. And only we have the blenders and rollers with the imagination andskill to rewind time and to retouch a masterpiece. When you hear a classic song remastered, it sounds familiar but fresh to your ears. So too when you taste these lovingly revived cigars, they will seem newly stirring to your palate. A case of history repeating itself. And you will luxuriate in the sheer excellence of these outstanding creations.
In 1946, Zino Davidoff designed a line of cigars which would be crafted like classic Bordeaux wines. The blend would be selected depending on the soil and the climate in which the tobacco grew, just like the French ‘terroirs’.And just as Bordeaux wines blend three different main grapes, these cigars would feature three different fillers.
Voilá, Davidoff Grand Cru cigars were born. Now, like the rich, ripe grapes of Bordeaux, the fruits of another piece of innovation have been harvested and turned into a truly remarkable cigar, one even more deserving of the title Grand Cru.
For the Diademas Finas Limited Edition Collection incorporates tobacco aged in Premier Grand Cru red wine casks from Bordeaux. In the spirit of Zino’s pioneering blends, this is the first time where a wine-cask aged tobacco has been used. A Dominican San Vicente seco tobacco is matured for six months in the casks. As a result, the flavour carries the same notes which characterise the chateaux wines – dark cherries, walnuts and citrus. The combination rolls around in the mouth like wine being swirled in a glass.
To add extra distinctiveness to this Limited Edition, it comes in the striking figurado format. The shape guides the palate towards the richness of the blend. Perfect to accompany a vintage bottle from France’s most celebrated wine region.
For this is truly vintage Davidoff.
The leaves are firmly pressed inside the Premier Grand Cru Classé red wine cask from Bordeaux, France. As the temperature in the closed cask rises, the tobaccoenters a fermentation process. The rise in temperature is checked regularly to prevent the tobacco from overheating.
The Dominican San Vicente seco filler tobacco ages for a total of six months in the cask, during which it gets flipped every two weeks applying a labourintensive process. Meanwhile, the tobacco absorbs the wine aromas of the cask’s wood. This is a natural process during which no wine is applied to the tobacco leaves directly.
The cask ageing adds complexity and depth to the flavours. Especially by using a Dominican San Vicente seco tobacco, the cask ageing noticeably refines the overall taste, since the seco leaves are fine and can thus absorb more of the wine aroma.
The Grand Cru Diademas Finas with its citrus, cherry and walnut flavours has been blended to be even closer to the world of wine than the classic Grand Cru line. Since one of the filler tobaccos was aged in a red wine cask, the cigar is ideally enjoyed with a red Bordeaux wine, especially from the Rive Droite. Saint-Émilion wines are renowned for their fruity character, making them the ideal companion for the Grand Cru Diademas Finas Limited Edition Collection.
Brand: Davidoff
Strength: Mild
Size: 6.75 x 50
Country of Origin: Dominican RepublicWrapper: EcuadorBinder: Dominican RepublicFiller: Dominican Republic
Updated by TORO on: 09-30-2024 11:35:58 AM
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