Cohiba cigars are synonymous with extravagant taste. Full in flavor, yet medium in strength, true cigar connoisseurs know Cohiba as one of the finest cigar brands in the U.S. market. Flawlessly handcrafted in the Dominican Republic, Cohiba Red Dot boasts a Cameroon wrapper, a Jember binder, and a Dominican blend featuring three varieties of Cuban seed tobaccos. The result is a dimensional, slightly spicy indulgence.
**This brand has recently gone through artwork revision/modernization. We are still working our way through some stock with the previous design, so you may receive either. The cigars are the same, just the artwork on boxes and bands have changed.
Brand: Cohiba
Strength: Medium
Size: 6.0 x 50
Country of Origin: Dominican RepublicWrapper: CameroonBinder: IndonesiaFiller: Dominican Republic
Updated by TORO on: 01-02-2025 02:47:27 PM
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