Crafted as the first Nicaraguan Puro from Davidoff Cigars, Davidoff Nicaragua Toro offers an intense palate stimulation with notes of white pepper, roasted coffee, and dark bitter chocolate, blended with a 10-year old Nicaraguan Habano Rosado wrapper. Enjoy full-bodied flavors with a generous ring gauge.
Davidoff Nicaraguan cigars and their bittersweet taste sensation are exceptionally paired with a semi-sweet rum such as Flor de Caña or a single malt whisky such as Bunnahabhain 12 Year.
Brand: Davidoff
Strength: Medium-Full
Size: 5.5 x 54
Country of Origin: Dominican RepublicWrapper: NicaraguaBinder: NicaraguaFiller: Nicaragua
Updated by TORO on: 11-20-2024 03:56:01 PM
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