Through The Day Into The Night
Whatever the task, whatever the hour, Winston Churchill knew the right cigar can be a trusted companion.
So the cigars which carry his name echo his character. From «The Original Collection» through to «The Late Hour» cigars, their quality never sleeps.
A man and a cigar for all times.
The Late Hour reflects the darkness during which Sir Winston was at his most creative. Davidoff has selected a shiny oily Habano Oscuro Ecuador wrapper in a beautiful dark chocolate color, introducing the first blend featuring tobacco aged in the finest Scotch single malt whisky casks. This Toro format provides intensified flavors of wood, spice, dark sweet coffee, dark chocolate, and vintage leather, creating bold palate stimulation and a rich aroma.
Pairing Suggestions:
-Whisky: a malted, smooth, and complex selection with smoky notes.
-Beer: a typical, slight bitter Ale taste goes hand in hand with the robust oak wood, brioche, caramel and malt aromas of the Davidoff Winston Churchill Late Hour.
-Port Wine: not too sweet but with deep, robust flavors.
-Rum: a complex and spicy selection that is not too sweet but rather impresses through its complexity.
Brand: Davidoff
Strength: Medium-Full
Size: 6.0 x 54
Country of Origin: Dominican RepublicWrapper: EcuadorBinder: MexicoFiller: Dominican Republic & Nicaragua
Updated by TORO on: 12-18-2024 11:56:21 AM
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